Coaching C diploma courses started - 27.01.2020
Second Pro coaching license module starts - 19.10.2018
Coaching Pro License courses start - 05.07.2018
FFA introductory coaching course starts - 11.06.2018
Coaching А license courses starts - 21.06.2018
Six clubs were granted with UEFA licenses - 20.04.2018
Seminar-meeting with Armenian Premier League clubs - 25.12.2015
8 clubs were granted UEFA licences - 20.04.2015
Seminar-meeting with FFA clubs - 06.02.2015
Seminar-meeting with Armenian Premier League clubs - 23.12.2014
6 of 8 clubs were granted UEFA licences - 18.04.2014
Seminar-meeting with FFA clubs - 21.02.2014
Seminar-meeting with Armenian Premier League clubs - 21.01.2014
Seminar with FFA clubs - 15.02.2013