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Armenia First League. FC Syunik rises to the second place

First League 17.11.2024 17:27

Armenia First League Matchday 13 last matches took place from November 16 to 17. 

FC Syunik, beating FC Ararat-Armenia-2, increased the number of points to 31, equaling the leader BKMA-2.

The details of this and other matches of the Matchday you can find below:

FC Andranik – FC Bentonit: 1:1
Match report

FC Ararat-Armenia-2 - FC Syunik: 0:4
Match report

FC Pyunik Academy - FC Lernayin Artsakh: 3:1
Match report

Matchday 13 match between FC Noah-2 and FC Urartu-2 to take place on November 29.

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